Agreement signed between RRCAT and CERN on TL-2 of CTF-3


            An agreement was signed between RRCAT, Indore & CERN, Switzerland under Novel Accelerator Technology Programme (NAT) for Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) Test Facility – 3 (CTF-3)  on 19th October, 2007 at CERN. This agreement was signed by Dr. V C Sahni, Director, RRCAT and Dr. R Aymar, Director General, CERN. 



            Under this agreement, for CTF-3, complete physics design of transfer line-2 (TL-2), mechanical design of components, fabrication, vacuum testing, and supply to CERN will be responsibilities of RRCAT. Physics (optics) design of TL-2 has already been completed and approved by CERN.

            TL-2 will consist of five nos. of dipole magnets (two will be long magnets & three will be short). Mechanical design of magnets has already been completed.  Magnets are under various stages of construction.  Five dipole vacuum chambers and 56 straight vacuum chambers (both, cylindrical and racetrack profile) will be fabricated.  All vacuum chambers will be made from aluminium alloy 6061-T6. Design of vacuum chambers has been completed and are under fabrication.



RRCAT delegation with CERN counterparts  at the time of signing the agreement.