Technology Day celebration at RRCAT
Shri. R.N. Jayaraj giving his Technology Day lecture
RRCAT celebrated
Technology Day on 25th May 2007. This day is celebrated in DAE institutes to mark the successful underground nuclear tests in May 1998. The function was held in the main auditorium of the Central Complex building. Shri. R.N. Jayaraj, Chief Executive, Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad, was the chief guest on this occasion.
Dr. P.D. Gupta, Head, Laser Plasma Division, gave the welcome address. This was followed by a talk by RRCAT Director, Dr. V.C. Sahni. In his talk Dr. Sahni outlined the main
achievements of the Centre during the last one year. This was followed by the chief guest’s lecture. Shri. Jayaraj gave a lecture entitled, “Fuel Cycle Activities at Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad”. He described the historical background, which had led to the setting up of the Complex at Hyderabad, and gave a lucid account of the present activities being carried out at NFC. The function ended with a vote of thanks given by Shri. S. Kotaiah, Project Manager, Indus-2. Shri. Jayaraj visited some of the laboratories of RRCAT in the afternoon.