Status Report as on 31st March, 2007 |
Number of requests Received :
| 09 | |
Number of decision where applicatants were not entitled to access the documents pursuant to the request, the provision of the Act under which these decision were made and the number of times such provision were invoked :
| Nil | |
Number of appeal reffered to Central Information Commission for review, the nature of appeals and the outcome of appeals:
| Nil | |
Deatils of disciplinary action taken against any officer in respect of administration of this Act:
| Nil | |
Amount of Charges Collected:
| Rs.70/- | |
Suitable Suggestion for reform including those required for development, improvement, modernization, reform for the amendment of the Act or other legislation or common law or any other matter relevant for operationalisation the Right to access the information:
| --- | |