Incubation Centre – RRCAT

Incubation Centre - RRCAT

For more detail, please contact:

Dr. C. P. Paul
Convener, Incubation Centre, RRCAT
Phone: +91 731 248 8396
Mobile: +91 94256 66596

Shri Praveen K. Agrawal
Co-convener, Incubation Centre, RRCAT
Phone: +91 731 248 2419
Mobile: +91 94258 31055

Technologies Available for Transfer

The following technologies are developed as spin-off during regular R&D activities and are available to industries/ startups on non-exclusive basis.

Technology Code Technology Name Brief Description

Medical Equipments

MD18RRCAT NeelBhasmi UV based area sanitization device to inactivate various micro-organisms including corona viruses
MD15RRCAT OncoDiagnoScope Tablet computer based, user-friendly portable optical spectroscopic device for screening/ diagnosis of oral cavity cancer
MD14RRCAT Tuberculoscope A low-cost fluorescence imaging device for rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB)
MD16RRCAT Raman Probe The Raman probe is meant for in situ measurement of good quality Raman spectra from low Raman-active materials like biological tissues
MD17RRCAT Vision Enhancement Module (VEM) A low cost fluorescence imaging tool for in-vivo screening/diagnosis of malignant and potentially malignant lesions of human oral cavity


EG34RRCAT Laser additive manufacturing system using powder-fed Direct Energy Deposition (LAM-PF-DED) Laser Additive Manufacturing (LAM) has brought a paradigm shift to “feature based design and manufacturing” and is being considered as an integral part of fourth industrial revolution
EG35RRCAT Bonding and Packaging, and Testing Technology of High Power Laser Diode Arrays for Diode Pumped Solid State Laser Module Technology for the bonding and packaging of high-power laser diode arrays
EG18RRCAT Sheetal Vahak Yantra (SHIVAY-V) Liquid Nitrogen Based Transportable Refrigeration System- Sheetal Vahak Yantra (SHIVAY-V) for transportation pharmaceutical products (including vaccines) at any temperature, up-to minus 70 °C
EG16RRCAT Sheetal Vahak Yantra (SHIVAY) Liquid Nitrogen Based Transportable Refrigeration System- Sheetal Vahak Yantra (SHIVAY) intended for transportation of fruits vegetables & Pharmaceuticals products caters up-to requirement of minus 40 °C temperatures.
EG11RRCAT RF/Microwave Substrates An import substitute product extensively used for variety of high end microwave circuit applications such as high power solid state amplifiers, patch antennas, mobile base stations etc.

Advanced Instrumentation

AI36RRCATDAE_RRCAT_INDORE Agni Rakshak - Raman optical fiber based distributed fire sensor system 'Agni-Rakshak' is a Raman optical fiber distributed temperature sensor has applications in fire monitoring in hospitals, buildings, road & rail tunnels, stations, cable trays of power cables, high-capacity transformers, coal conveyors, warehouse and storage, cement industry, oil & gas Industry, Nuclear industry and sensitive installations, etc.
AI23RRCAT 60 kW RF Broadband Dual Directional Coupler Directional Coupler is an indispensable measurement tool that provides a convenient and accurate means of sampling of RF energy in high power RF systems.
Al30RRCAT High-stability, Current-controlled, Card-based, True-bipolar, Switch-mode Power Converter for Electromagnets This is a high-stability, output-current-controlled, switch-mode, true-bipolar power converter for electromagnet, capable of delivering output current of +/- 15 A maximum, with output current stability within +/- 100 ppm of the full-scale current. It operates on 60 V DC maximum input and developed on a single 6U four-layer PCB.
AI29RRCAT High-stability, Current-controlled, Card-based, Unipolar, Switch-mode Power Converter for Electromagnets The power converter is capable of delivering unipolar output current of 15 A  maximum with output current stability within +/- 100 ppm of the full-scale current. It operates on 230 V, 50 Hz ac mains and is developed on a single 6U double-sided PCB.
Al27RRCAT Radio Frequency Amplifier Modules (RFAM) RF amplifier modules are indispensable part of any high-power system/ transmitter.
AI22RRCAT Radio Frequency Directional Power Sensor For high power Radio Frequency (RF) systems, power monitoring and sampling, at different junctions is a necessary process for system commissioning, fault debugging and health monitoring
Al28RRCAT Rigid Coaxial Transitions High power rigid coaxial line RF components like Power Combiners, Directional Couplers, RF Circulator and Rigid Coaxial line sections are integral parts of any High-power RF system
AI25RRCAT Variable Collimated Hollow Laser Beam Generator Variable Collimated Hollow Laser Beam Generator is a device which has been developed to generate a collimated hollow laser beam of variable diameter from an input laser beam of Gaussian/uniform spatial profile
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