List of Invited speakers at NLS-2003


1. Prof. R R Dasari, MIT, USA ,                        Spectral Diagnosis of Disease     
2. Prof. James Kolodzey,  USA,                         Properties of Terahertz Lasers      
3. Prof. C P G Vallabhan, CUSAT, Cochin,      NLO Studies on Nanomaterials 
4. Dr. A K Dutta, Calcutta University,              Optical Computing 

5. Prof. G C Bhar, Burdwan Uni.                      Status of nonlinear material development for 8-16 micron region       
6. Prof. V G Voevodin, Russia,                         Growth of ZnGeP2 & doped GaSe crystals for SHG with CO2 lasers
7. Dr. K Vodopyanov, USA                             MID IR OPOs & their applications in Spectroscopy
8. Prof. K Chattopadhyay,  IISc.                      Understanding the microstructure evolution during laser surface alloying

9. Prof. A L Verma, NEGU Shilong                  Energy Transfer Processes near Reflecting Surfaces         
10. Prof. P Ramasamy, Anna Uni.Chennai,         Laser/NLO crystal Growth           

11. Dr. L M Kukreja, CAT, Indore                  Pulsed Laser Deposition of Nanostructured Materials

12. Dr. R C Bapna, BARC, Mumbai,               Advanced Tunable Lasers       

13. Mr. A K Sharma, CAT, Indore,                 Indigenous Table-Top-Terawatt Laser                                          

14. Dr. R V A Murthy, NPL, Delhi,                  Laser crystal growth & characterization         

15. Mr. S K Mohanty,  CAT, Indore,               Micromanipulation with Laser

16. Dr. Bimlendu Deb, PRL Ahmedabad,         Quantum Optics of Bose-Einstein condensates      

17. Dr. T N  Dey, PRL, Ahmedabad,              Ultra slow light

18. Dr. B V R Tata, IGCAR,                            Dynamic Laser Light Scattering

19. Dr. Haranath Ghosh, CAT, Indore,             Electron Correlation Effects in Nonlinear Optical Materials

20. Dr. L J Dhareshwar, BARC,                       Nuclear Physics with ultra intense lasers

21. Dr. M Krishnamurthy,                                 Laser Plasma Interaction

22. Dr. N K Gupta, BARC,                             Simulations of hydrodynamics and  energy transport effects in laser driven  plasmas

23. Dr. S V Joshi, ARCI, Hyderabad,             Laser Surface Engineering

24. Prof.. I Manna, IIT Kgp.                            Laser Material Processing

25. Dr. S Basu, IIT Kgp.                                  Laser Assisted Synthesis & Processing of Semiconductor Materials

26. Dr. J D Mazumdar, Iit Kgp.                        Laser Surface Engineering of titanium

27. Dr. Suman Chakraborti,IIT Khp.                 Mathematical modeling of laser Material Joining

28. Dr. D Bhattacharjee, TISCO, Jamshedpur, Laser Welding in Automobile Industry

29. Dr. G.V. Shivashankar, RRI, Bangalore,     Optical micromanipuation of biological systems 

30. Dr. Narendra B Dahotre, Tennessee, USA,  Laser surface engineering
