Guidelines for preparation of manuscript
It is planned to bring out a proceedings
containing papers of the invited talks of this meet. You are therefore
requested to send the manuscript of your paper at the earliest but not later
than 28th September 2001.
The paper of the invited talk by a leading
expert should not exceed four pages and that by a young researcher by 2 pages. Click here for a sample document in format for
preparation of the camera ready
manuscript. For any further information, kindly feel free to contact us. Please
send the manuscript in a hard copy and a floppy at the postal address given
below. The manuscript can also be sent
by email at the address given below. We would request you to kindly draft the
manuscript preferably in MS-Word 98 or MS-Word 2000.
We also request you to kindly send a copy
of your latest list of publications, which we would include in the proceedings.
We would arrange for an overhead projector
and a slide projector for the oral presentation of the paper at the meet. In
case you have some other requirements; please let us know in advance.
We look forward to see you at PLD - 2001.
Tapas Ganguli / Satyanarayan Barik
R&D, Block A,
Centre for Advanced Technology,
Indore: 452013.
Email: plds@rrcat.gov.in