Accelerator and Beam Physics Section
DAE_RRCAT_INDORE Accelerator and Beam Physics Section

Publications: Journals

  1. Gaur Rahul and Kumar Vinit
    Numerical studies on RF tuning of an RFQ in a simulation environment using a tuning program
    Numerical Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A 991 (2021) 165021

  2. Kalkal Yashvir and Kumar Vinit
    Understanding energy propagation during reflection of an evanescent wave
    Am. J. Phys., 89 (9), 877

  1. Rinky Dhingra, Vinit Kumar and Nita S. Kulkarni
    Numerical studies on tuning of a traveling wave bunching-cum-accelerating structure in simulation environment
    Journal of Instrumentation, 15, T12008

  1. Jana Arup ratan, Kumar Abhay, Kumar Vinit and Roy Sindhunil Barman
    Influence of material parameters on the performance of niobium based superconducting RF cavities
    Pramana, 93 (3), 51

  2. Jana Arup Ratan and Kumar Vinit
    Beam optics studies and lattice design of the 1 GeV H- injector linac for ISNS
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 942, 162299

  1. Sinha Gautam, Malik Ritesh, Sharma Amalendu and Ruwali Kailash
    Magnetic field distortion and particle optics in quadrupole magnets when placed close to dipole magnets
    AIP Advances, 8 (11), 2018

  2. Gaur Rahul and Kumar Vinit Beam dynamics and electromagnetic studies of a 3 MeV, 325 MHz radio frequency quadrupole accelerator European Physical Journal N, 4, 9
  1. Kumar Vinit
    Electromagnetic response of a metal: a comparative analysis of the ‘free charge model’ and the ‘bound charge model’
    European Journal of Physics, 38, 045203

  2. Kalkal Yashvir and Kumar Vinit
    Terahertz radiation source using a high power industrial electron linear accelerator
    Pramana - Journal of Physics, 88 (4), 71

  3. Phadte D., Patidar C. B. and Pal M. K. Development of a relativistic Particle in Cell code PARTDYN for linear accelerator beam transport Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 851, 20
  1. Kulkarni Nita, Dhingra Rinky and Kumar Vinit
    Physics design of a 10 MeV, 6 kW travelling wave electron linear accelerator for industrial applications
    Pramana-Journal of Physics, 87 (5), 74

  2. Kalkal Yashvir and Kumar Vinit
    Cherenkov free-electron lasers with side walls
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 827, 85

  3. Kalkal Yashvir and Kumar Vinit
    Three dimensional analysis of the surface mode supported by Cherenkov and Smith Purcell free-electron lasers
    Physical Review - Accelerator and Beams, 19, 060702

  1. Kalkal Yashvir and Kumar Vinit
    Analysis of Cherenkov free-electron lasers
    Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerator and Beams, 18, 030707

  2. Sharma Amalendu, Tyagi Deepak Kumar and Ghodke A. D.
    Optimization of harmonic sextupoles in Indus-2 electron storage ring
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 782, 28

  1. Gaur Rahul and Kumar Vinit
    Field stabilization studies in a radio frequency quadrupole accelerator
    Journal of Instrumentation, 9, T07003

  2. Jana Arup Ratan and Kumar Vinit
    On the electromagnetic design of g = 0.61, 650 MHz superconducting radiofrequency cavity
    IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity, 24, 3500216

  3. Kumar Abhay, Jana Arup Ratan and Kumar Vinit
    A Study of dynamic Lorentz force detuning of 650 MHz, g = 0.9 superconducting radiofrequency cavity
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 750, 69

  1. Phadte D. S. and Patidar C. B.
    Effect of nonlinear radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on the emittance of bunched beams
    Journal of Instrumentation, 8, T07003

  2. Biswas B., Kale U., Khursheed M., Kumar A., Kumar V., Lal S., Nerpagare P. and Pant K. K.
    First signature of build up of coherence in CUTE FEL at RRCAT
    Current Science, 105, 26

  3. Kulkarni Nita
    Three dimensional simulation studies of 10 meV, 352.2 MHz drift tube Linac
    Pramana-Journal of Physics, 80 (6), 971

  4. Jana Arup Ratan, Kumar Vinit, Kumar Abhay and Gaur Rahul
    On the electromagnetic design of g = 0.9, 650 MHz superconducting radiofrequency cavity
    IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity, 23, 3500816

  5. Sharma Amalendu, Singh P., Abdurrahim, Ghodke A. D. and Singh Gurnam
    Analytical expressions of transfer function for a hard edge dipole magnet using a basic geometrical approach
    Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerator and Beams, 16, 014001

  1. Kulkarni Nita
    Design of 10 meV, 352.2 MHz drift tube Linac
    Pramana-Journal of Physics, 79 (2), 263

  1. Tripathi S., Mishra G., Kumar V., Chouksey S. and Kumar R.
    Pulse requirements of field integral measurements in pulsed wire method
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 635, 121

  2. Tripathi S., Gehlot M., Hussain J. K., Mishra G., Kumar V. and Chouksey S.
    Field integral measurement of a six period undulator in a pulsed wire set up
    Optics Communications, 284, 350

  1. Gaur Rahul and Shrivastava Purushottam
    Beam dynamics and electromagnetic design studies of 3 MeV RFQ for SNS programme
    Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis & Applications, 2, 519

  2. Kumar Vinit and Mishra Ganeshwar
    Analysis of Pulsed Wire Method for field integral measurements in undulators
    Pramana-Journal of Physics, 74, 743

  1. Biswas B., Kumar V., Chouksey S. and Krishnagopal S.
    Design, construction and characterization of the compact ultrafast terahrtz free-electron laser undulator planar permanent magnet undulator
    Pramana-Journal of Physics, 71 (6), 1321

  2. Kumar Vinit
    Understanding the focusing of charged particle beams in a solenoid magnetic field
    American Journal of Physics, 77, 737 (July)

  3. Kumar V. and Kim K.-J.
    Electron beam requirements for Smith-Purcell backward wave oscillator with external focusing
    Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerator and Beams, 12, 070703 (July)

  4. Sharma Amalendu, Abdurrahim, Ghodke A. D. and Singh Gurnam
    Optics design and second order longitudinal dispersion minimization in a bunch compressor transfer line for CTF3
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 602 (2), 342 (May)

  5. Tripathi S., Gehlot M., Hussain J. K., Mishra G., Chouksey S., Kumar V., Kale U. and Nerpagar P.
    Measurements of wire sag and wave velocity in a pulsed wire set-up
    Nuovo Cimento, 124 B, 281 (March)

  1. Kim Kwang-Je and Kumar Vinit
    Flat electron beams for a Smith-Purcell Backward Wave Oscillator for Intense Terahertz Radiation
    Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerator and Beams, 10, 080702

  1. Ding Y., Emma P., Huang Z. and Kumar V.
    Optical Klystron enhancement to SASE x-ray FELs
    Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerator and Beams, 9, 070702

  2. Kumar Vinit and Kim Kwang-Je
    Analysis of Smith-Purcell Free-Electron Lasers
    Physical review E, 73, 026501

  1. Krishnagopal S., Kumar V., Maiti S., Prabhu S. S. and Sarkar S. K.
    Free-Electron lasers
    Current Science, 87 (8), 1066

  2. Krishnagopal S. and Kumar V.
    Free-Electron lasers
    Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 70, 559

  3. Sharma Amalendu, Singh Gurnam and Sahoo G. K.
    Change in Laslett tune shift due to a dielectric vacuum chamber
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 528, 661

  1. Pande S. A., Prasad Moonooku, Kulkarni Nita and Hannurkar P. R.
    Preliminary design studies of a 100 MeV H−/H+ LINAC as injector for SNS synchrotron/ADS LINAC
    Pramana-Journal of Physics, 59 (5), 859

  1. Rashinkar Nita, Pande S. A., Prasad M. and Hannurkar P. R.
    Design of a 20 MeV drift tube linac ( Tank-I 0.75-10.76 MeV)
    Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, Special issue on Accelerator Technology, 39 (1 & 2), 65

  2. Kumar V. and Krishnagopal S.
    Start-up and saturation in SASE FELs using a time-independent analysis
    Physical Review E, 65, 016503

  1. Kumar V. and Krishnagopal S.
    Growth of transverse coherence in SASE FELs
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 445, 77

  1. Kumar V. and Krishnagopal S.
    A Simple theory of gain and saturation in FEL oscillators
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 407, 130

  1. Kumar V. and Krishnagopal S.
    Gain and saturation in FEL oscillators
    Physical Review E, 55, 1887

  1. Krishnagopal S. and Kumar V.
    Three-dimensional study of multi-cavity free-electron laser
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 375, 572

  2. Krishnagopal S. and Kumar V.
    Plans for a far-infrared free-electron laser in India
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 375, ABS 30

  1. Krishnagopal S. and Kumar V.
    The two colours free electron laser
    Optics Communications, 119, 313

Conferences / Workshops

  1. Patidar Chirag Bhai and Sharma Amalendu
    Physics Design of beam collimators for transport of 1 GeV Hbeam
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2019, Nov 18-21, 2019, Delhi

  2. Ram Prakash, Saini Arun and Chandrasekaran Saravan K.
    Acceptance calculation and study of fault scenarios in the PIP-II linac
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2019, Nov 18-21, 2019, Delhi

  3. Ram Prakash, Saini Arun and Merminga Lia
    Beam dynamics study of PIP-II superconducting linac in the presence of misalignment errors
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2019, Nov 18-21, 2019, Delhi

  4. Ram Prakash, Saini Arun and Wu Genfa
    Availability and reliability analysis of proton improvement plan-ii superconducting radio frequency linear accelerator
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2019, Nov 18-21, 2019, Delhi

  5. Gaur Rahul and Kumar Vinit
    Tuning algorithm for cure of mode mixing in an RFQ linac
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2019, Nov 18-21, 2019, Delhi

  6. Pal Mukesh Kumar and Gaur Rahul
    Physics design study of multispoke resonators and their comparison with single spoke resonator
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2019, Nov 18-21, 2019, Delhi

  7. Shemyakin Alexander, Ram Prakash and Seiya Kiyomi
    Finding beam loss locations in a linac with oscillating dipole correctors
    North American Particle Accelerator Conference (NAPAC) -2019
  1. Arora Parul, Jana P. K., Kulkarni N. and Kumar Vinit
    Electromagnetic design and beam dynamics studies of 9.5/7.0 MeV, 10 kW industrial electron linac with pre-buncher
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  2. Dhingra R., Kumar V. and Kulkarni N.
    Three dimensional electromagnetic simulation studies of an S-Band Travelling Wave Electron Linac
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  3. Dhingra R., Kulkarni N. and Kumar Vinit
    Physics design studies of 10 MeV, 325 MHz drift tube linac for the Indian Spallation Neutron Source
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  4. Gaur Rahul and Kumar Vinit
    Error study of a 325 MHz, 3 MeV RFQ for ISNS
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  5. Goyal Pradeep Kumar and Sharma Amalendu
    Nonlinear studies for lattice of 1GeV Proton Accumulator Ring for Indian Spallation Neutron Source
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  6. Jana Arup Ratan , Pal Mukesh Kumar, Prakash Ram, Gaur Rahul et al
    Lattice design and beam dynamics simulations for the 1 GeV ISNS SRF LINAC
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  7. Jana Arup Ratan , Kumar Abhay, Kumar Vinit and Roy Sindhunil Barman
    On the requirement of high purity level of material for niobium based SRF cavity
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  8. Jana P. K., Dhingra Rinky and Kumar Vinit
    Electromagnetic design study of collinear load for 10 MeV, 6 kW travelling wave electron linac
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  9. Jana P. K. and Kumar Vinit
    Electromagnetic design studies of fundamental RF power coupler for superconducting RF cavities
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  10. Kumar Vinit et al.
    Progress on Accelerator Physics Studies for Indian Spallation Neutron Source
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  11. Kumar Vinit and Dhingra R.
    Analysis of transient beam loading in a constant impedance travelling wave linac
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  12. Kumar Vinit and Sharma Amalendu
    Understanding the edge focusing in Dipole Magnets
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  13. Pal Mukesh Kumar, Gaur Rahul and Kumar Vinit
    Field perturbation due to azimuthal asymmetry in SSR cavities
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  14. Patidar Chirag Bhai and Sharma Amalendu
    Beam Optics Design Studies of the ISNS High Energy Beam Transport Line
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  15. Ram Prakash, Jana A. R. and Kumar Vinit
    Analysis of Generation and Effect of Higher Order Modes (HOMs) in Superconducting Cavities
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  16. Ram Prakash, Jana A. R. and Kumar Vinit
    Beam Dynamics Studies on 325 MHz DTL using GenDTL and Tracewin
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  17. Singh Urmila and Sharma Amalendu
    Preliminary optics design of Ring to Target Beam Transport line for a 1 GeV Spallation Neutron Source
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  18. Sharma Amalendu and Kumar Vinit
    Beam injection studies for FODO lattice of 1 GeV proton Accumulator Ring
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2018, Jan 9-12, 2018, Indore

  1. Domov V. A., Lallement J. B., Lombardi A. M. and Gaur Rahul
    Emittance reconstruction techniques in presence of space charge applied during the Linac4 beam commissioning
    57th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams, HB2016, Jul 03-08, 2016, Malmo, Sweden

  1. Dhingra R., Kulkarni N. and Kumar Vinit
    Lattice design of Medium Energy Beam Transport line for Indian Spallation Neutron Source
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2015, Dec 21-24, 2015, Mumbai

  2. Goyal Pradeep Kumar, Sharma Amalendu, Kumar Vinit and Ghodke A. D.
    Studies on beam extraction from the 1GeV Proton Accumulator Ring
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2015, Dec 21-24, 2015, Mumbai

  3. Pal Mukesh Kumar, Gaur Rahul and Kumar Vinit
    Multipacting and higher order mode analysis of 325 MHz single spoke resonators
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2015, Dec 21-24, 2015, Mumbai

  4. Sandha R. S., Goswami S. G., Choudhary R. S., Dwivedi J., Sharma S., Veerbhadraiah T., Sharma S. D., Yedle K. N., Bhatnagar V. K., Sankar P. R., Ganesh P., Kaul R., Kulkarni N. S., Kumar V., Wanmode Y. D., Shrivastava P., Shridhar R., Mundra G., Thakurta A.C.
    Engineering design and development of 10 MeV, S-band accelerating structure
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2015, Dec 21-24, 2015, Mumbai

  5. Singh Urmila, Sharma Amalendu, Kumar Vinit and Ghodke A. D.
    Beam Loading Studies for a 1 GeV Proton Accumulator Ring
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2015, Dec 21-24, 2015, Mumbai

  1. Dhingra R., Kulkarni N. and Kumar Vinit
    Electromagnetic design and beam dynamics studies for a 10 MeV, 10 kW electron linac
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2013, Nov 19-22, 2013, Kolkata

  2. Gaur Rahul and Kumar Vinit
    Design studies of 325 MHz RFQ at RRCAT
    Proc. Of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2013, Nov 19-22, 2013, Kolkata

  3. Goyal Pradeep Kumar, Sharma Amalendu, Kumar Vinit and Ghodke A. D.
    Studies on linear lattice for a 1GeV Proton Accumulator Ring
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2013, Nov 19-22, 2013, Kolkata

  4. Jana A. R., Kumar V. and Gaur R.
    Electromagnetic design optimization studies for βg = 0.61, 650 MHz elliptic superconducting radio frequency cavity
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2013, Nov 19-22, 2013, Kolkata

  5. Jana P. K. and Kumar Vinit
    Physics design study of separated function drift tube linac
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2013, Nov 19-22, 2013, Kolkata

  6. Jana P. K., Kumar Vinit and Kulkarni N. S.
    Design of RF power coupler for the 5 MeV, 3 kW travelling wave electron linac
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2013, Nov 19-22, 2013, Kolkata

  7. Kulkarni Nita S. and Kumar Vinit
    Electromagnetic and beam dynamic design of a 5 MeV, 3 kW travelling wave electron linear accelerator
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2013, Nov 19-22, 2013, Kolkata

  8. Kumar Vinit, Jana A. R. and Gaur Rahul
    Electromagnetic design issues in elliptic superconducting radio frequency cavity for H-linac
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2013, Nov 19-22, 2013, Kolkata

  9. Kumar V., Jana A. R., Kulkarni N. S., Dhingra R.
    Analysis of regenerative beam breakup instability in linear accelerators
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2013, Nov 19-22, 2013, Kolkata

  10. Pal Mukesh Kumar, Gaur Rahul and Kumar Vinit
    Geometry optimization of 325 MHz half-wave and single spoke resonators
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2013, Nov 19-22, 2013, Kolkata

  11. Patidar Chirag Bhai and Sharma Amalendu
    Closed Orbit Analysis for ISNS Accumulator Ring`s FODO Lattice
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2013, Nov 19-22, 2013, Kolkata

  12. Sharma Amalendu and Ghodke A. D.
    Application program development and its use in Indus-2
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2013, Nov 19-22, 2013, Kolkata

  13. Sharma Amalendu, Singh P., Ghodke A. D. and Singh Gurnam
    CSR studies for Transfer Line-2 at CTF3, CERN
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2013, Nov 19-22, 2013, Kolkata

  14. Singh Urmila, Sharma Amalendu, Kumar Vinit and Ghodke A. D.
    Preliminary studies on longitudinal beam dynamics for a 1 GeV proton Accumulator Ring
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2013, Nov 19-22, 2013, Kolkata

  15. Sinnarkar Devendra, Jain Rajib, Jana Arup Ratan, Kumar Abhay, Vora Harilal S., Navathe Chandrashekhar P.
    Akruti - Wrapper for Poisson SUPERFISH
    National Symposium on Nuclear Instrumentation, NSNI-2013 , BARC, Mumbai, Nov 19-21, 2013

  1. Sharma Amalendu, Goyal P. K., Ghodke A. D., Singh Gurnam and Kumar Vinit
    Preliminary studies for basic design parameters of an Accumulator Ring for Indian Spallation Neutron Source
    2nd International Workshop on Accelerator Driven Sub critical System and Thorium Utilization, Dec 11-14, 2011, Mumbai

  2. Gaur Rahul
    Mode Stabilization Study of 352.2 MHz Four-Vane type RFQ
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2011, Feb 15-18, 2011, New Delhi

  3. Jana P. K., Shrivastava P. and Kumar V.
    RF coupler design of 352.2 MHz RFQ
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2011, Feb 15-18, 2011, New Delhi

  4. Kulkarni Nita
    Design of a 10 MeV, 352.2 MHz drift tube linac
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2011, Feb 15-18, 2011, New Delhi

  5. Kumar A., Biswas B., Gupta S. K., Kale U., Khursheed M., Kumar V., Lal S., Nerpagar P., Pant K. K., Patel A., Krishnagopal. S.
    Terahertz radiation from an undulator based FEL in India
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2011, Feb 15-18, 2011, New Delhi

  6. Kumar V., Biswas B., Kale U., Kumar A., Lal S., Pant K.K.
    Design of an Infra-red Free-electron Laser at RRCAT
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2011, Feb 15-18, 2011, New Delhi

  7. Kumar V., Phadte D. S. and Patidar C. B.
    A Simple Formula For Emittance Growth Due to Spherical Aberration in a Solenoid Lens
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2011, Feb 15-18, 2011, New Delhi

  1. Biswas B., Gupta S. K. , Kale U., Khursheed M., Kumar A., Kumar V., Lal S., Nerpagar P., Pant K. K., Patel A. ,
    Sarkar A. K., Chouksey S. , Prasad U. S. , Krishnagopal S. Development and commissioning of the CUTE-FEL injector
    Proc. of International Particle Accelerator Conf., IPAC 10, 2010, Kyoto, Japan

  1. Biswas B., Lal S. and Kumar Vinit
    Development of in- vacuum mirror system, compact magnets and undulator beam line for CUTE - FEL
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2009, Feb 10-13, 2009, Indore

  2. Gaur Rahul, Jana P. K., Shrivastava Purushottam
    Beam Dynamics Design and Analysis of 3 MeV RFQ Operating at 352.2 MHz
    Proc. Of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2009, Feb 10-13, 2009, Indore

  3. Gaur Rahul, Jana P. K., Shrivastava Purushottam
    Error Analysis on a 352.2 MHz, 3 MeV RFQ
    Proc. Of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2009, Feb 10-13, 2009, Indore

  4. Gaur Rahul, Jana P. K., Shrivastava Purushottam
    RF Cavity Design of 352.2 MHz, 3 MeV RFQ
    Proc. Of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2009, Feb 10-13, 2009, Indore

  5. Jana P. K. and Shrivastava P.
    3D electromagnetic simulation study of RF cavity of 20 MeV injector Microtron
    Proc. Of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2009, Feb 10-13, 2009, Indore

  6. Jana P. K., Shrivastava P. and Kulkarni N. S.
    Design of microwave coupler for 10 MeV electron linac
    Proc. Of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2009, Feb 10-13, 2009, Indore

  7. Kulkarni Nita S. and Shrivastava Purushottam
    Geometrical Optimization Studies on 352.21 MHz, 10 MeV Drift Tube Linac
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2009, Feb 10-13, 2009, Indore

  8. Sharma Amalendu, Goyal P. K., Ghodke A. D. and Singh Gurnam
    Magnetic field tolerances of dipole and quadrupole magnet for a 1 GeV proton synchrotron
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2009, Feb 10-13, 2009, Indore

  1. Krishnagopal S., Biswas B., Gupta S. K., Kale U., Kumar A., Kumar V., Lal S., Nerpagar P., Pant K. K., Patel A. Status of the CUTE-FEL project Proc. of European Particle Accelerator Conf., EPAC 2008, Genoa, Italy
  1. Chouksey S., Krishnagopal S., Kumar V., Lal S., Pant K. K., Prasad V.
    Mechanical engineering challenges in the development of the FEL at RRCAT
    Proc. of Asian Particle Accelerator Conf., APAC 2007, Jan 29-Feb 02, 2007, Indore, India

  2. Kumar V., Kim K.J., Li D.
    Comparison of codes for Smith-Purcell FEL
    Proc. of Asian Particle Accelerator Conf., APAC 2007, Jan 29-Feb 02, 2007, Indore, India

  3. Kumar V., Krishnagopal S., Fawley W. M.
    Start-up of FEL oscillator from shot noise
    Proc. of Asian Particle Accelerator Conf., APAC 2007, Jan 29-Feb 02, 2007, Indore, India

  4. Sharma Amalendu, Rahim A., Ghodke A. D. and Singh Gurnam
    Design of the Transfer Line-2 for the CTF-3 at CERN
    Proc. of Asian Particle Accelerator Conf., APAC 2007, Jan 29-Feb 02, 2007, Indore, India

  5. Krishnagopal S and Kumar V.
    Preliminary design of the proposed IR-FEL in India
    Proc. of FEL Conf., Aug 26-31, 2007, Novosibirsk, Russia

  6. Kumar V. and Kim K. J.
    Three-dimensional analysis of the surface mode supported by a reflection grating
    Proc. of FEL Conf., Aug 26-31, 2007, Novosibirsk, Russia

  1. Ding Y., Emma P., Huang Z., Kumar V.
    Optical klystron enhancement to SASE x-ray FELs
    Proc. of FEL Conf., Aug 27 – Sep 01, 2006, Berlin, Germany

  2. Kumar V., Kim Kwang-Je
    Analysis of Smith-Purcell BWO with end reflections
    Proc. of FEL Conf., Aug 27 – Sep 01, 2006, Berlin, Germany

  3. Kumar V., Kim Kwang-Je
    Optimization of parameters of Smith-Purcell BWO
    Proc. of FEL Conf., Aug 27 – Sep 01, 2006, Berlin, Germany

  4. Kulkarni Nita S., Mishra Deepak, Prasad M., Hannurkar P. R.
    Field tuning studies with MAFIA for a RFQ
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2006, Nov 01-04, 2006, Mimbai

  5. Kulkarni Nita S., Prasad M., Mishra Deepak and Hannurkar P. R.
    3D simulation studies on dipole mode suppressor Rod in a Radio frequency Quadrupole
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2006, Nov 01-04, 2006, Mimbai

  6. Kulkarni Nita S., Prasad M., Mishra Deepak, Hannurkar P. R.
    Tuning port simulation studies on a RFQ
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2006, Nov 01-04, 2006, Mimbai

  1. Kumar V., Kim K. J.
    Calculation of Reflection Matrix Elements of a Grating for Growing Evanescent Waves
    Proc. of Particle Accelerator Conf., PAC 2005, 2005, Knoxville, USA

  2. Biswas B., Kumar V.
    A no-steering end magnet configuration for planar undulators
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2005, Mar 01-05, 2005, Kolkata

  3. Biswas B., Kumar V., Krishnagopal S., Pant K. K., Lal S., Kale U., Nerpagar P.
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf.,
    InPAC 2005, Mar 01-05, 2005, Kolkata

  4. Krishnagopal S., Biswas B., Jain P., Kale U., Kumar A., Kumar V., Lal S., Nerpagar P., Pant K. K.
    Terahertz free-electron lasers and their applications
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2005, Mar 01-05, 2005, Kolkata

  5. Kulkarni Nita S., Pande S. A., Hannurkar P. R.
    Ferrite Loaded RF Cavity Design for the Proton Synchrotron
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2005, Mar 01-05, 2005, Kolkata

  6. Lal S., Biswas B., Kale U., Krishnagopal S., Kumar A., Kumar V., Nerpagar P., Pant K. K.
    Acceleration results from a four-cell, S-band PWT linac structure
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2005, Mar 01-05, 2005, Kolkata

  7. Sharma Amalendu, Ghodke A. D. and Singh Gurnam
    Preliminary non-linear studies of a 1 GeV proton synchrotron for spallation neutron source
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2005, Mar 01-05, 2005, Kolkata

  8. Sharma Amalendu, Ghodke A. D. and Singh Gurnam
    Relaxed Lattice for Commissioning of Indus-2
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2005, Mar 01-05, 2005, Kolkata

  1. Kulkarni Nita S., Pande S. A., Hannurkar P. R.
    Preliminary design studies on ferrite loaded RF cavity for the proton synchrotron for SNS
    DAE BRNS Symposium on Nuclear physics, Dec 01-06, 2004, Varanasi

  2. Pande S. A., Prasad M., Kulkarni Nita et al.
    100 MeV H- injector linac for the Indian Spallation Neutron Source
    Workshop on production and utilization of radioactive Ion beams from ISOL type facilities, Feb 16-19, 2004

  1. Chouksey S., Kumar V., Kumar A., Krishnagopal S.
    Mechanical design and fabrication of pure permanent magnet undulators
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2003, Feb 03-06, 2003, Indore

  2. Krishnagopal S., Pant K. K., Kumar V., Kumar A., Kale U., Biswas B., Lal S., Nerpagar P., Kodiarasan V.
    Status update on the photocathode RF linac project
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2003, Feb 03-06, 2003, Indore

  3. Kulkarni Nita S., Pande S. A., Hannurkar P. R.
    Design of the Buncher Section of the 10 MeV, 10 kW Electron Linac for Food Irradiation Applications
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2003, Feb 03-06, 2003, Indore

  4. Kumar V.*, Chouksey S.*, Krishnagopal S.
    Development of a pure-permanent magnet undulator
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2003, Feb 03-06, 2003, Indore

  5. Kumar V., Lal S., Krishnagopal S.
    The drive laser system for the photocathode gun
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2003, Feb 03-06, 2003, Indore

  6. Kumar V., Krishnagopal S.
    An infrared free-electron laser
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2003, Feb 03-06, 2003, Indore

  7. Pande S. A., Kulkarni Nita, Prasad M., Chouksey S., Dwivedi J. and Hannurkar P. R.
    Development of a 10 MeV, 10 kW TW Electron LINAC for Industrial Applications
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2003, Feb 03-06, 2003, Indore

  8. Pande S. A., Prasad M., Kulkarni Nita, Mishra D.K., Hannurkar P. R.
    Design Optimization of 100 MeV Injector Linac for Indian Spallation Neutron Source
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2003, Feb 03-06, 2003, Indore

  9. Sharma Amalendu, Sahoo G. K. and Singh G.
    Determination of Laslett Tune Shift due to Ceramic Chamber in Neutron Spallation Source
    Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conf., InPAC 2003, Feb 03-06, 2003, Indore

  1. Pande S. A., Prasad M., Kulkarni Nita et. al.
    Design studies of a 100 MeV H-/H+ linear accelerator as injector for ADS linac/SNS synchrotron
    Proc. of International conference on Linear Accelerator., LINAC 2002, Feb 03-06, 2002, Pohang, Korea

  1. Kumar A., Kumar V., Krishnagopal S.
    Design of a 350 MHz, four-vane RFQ for the ADSS linac
    Proc. of DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics., Vol. 44B, Dec 26-30, 2001, Kolkata

  2. Pant K. K., Kumar A., Kumar V., Gupta R. K., Nerpagar P., Bapat B., Krishnagopal S. Status of the photocathode linac project at CAT Proc. of DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics., Vol. 44B, Dec 26-30, 2001, Kolkata
  1. Jathar M. R., Meshram V., Kumar V., Krishnagopal S., Bhujle A. G.
    Automated Magnetic Field Mapping System
    National Symposium on Instrumentation, NSI-24, Feb 02-05, 2000, Goa

  1. Rashinkar Nita
    Design of a 20 MeV drift tube linac (Tank-I 0.75-10.76 MeV)
    A P Patro workshop on Accelerator Technology, Nov 15-17, 1999, NSC, New Delhi

  1. Kumar V., Jathar M. R., Meshram V., Verma A.
    Characterisation of Nd Fe B magnets for FE undulator
    DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Dec 27-31, 1998, Kurukshetra

  2. Pande S. A., Prasad M., Rashinkar Nita and Hannurkar P. R.
    Higher Order Mode measurements on INDUS-I RF cavity
    Proc. of the conf. on physics and technology of accelerators, CPTA’98, Feb 1998, Calcutta
Reports, Bulletins and Magazines

  1. Mukesh Kumar Pal, Ram Prakash, Arup Ratan Jana and Vinit Kumar
    Studies on the effect of the failure of RF cavities and focusing magnets on the beam dynamics of IFSR linac and their compensation

  2. Ram Prakash, Mukesh Kumar Pal ,Arup Ratan Jana and Vinit Kumar
    Different lattice errors and their effect on the beam dynamics of ISFR linac

  1. Saini Arun and Ram Prakash
    PIP-II Availability and Reliability Study
    Team Center, Document Number: ED0010510, Fermilab, USA

  2. Pradeep Kumar Goyal, Amalendu Sharma and Vinit Kumar
    Non-linear studies for lattice of 1 GeV proton Accumulator Ring for Indian Facility for Spallation Research (IFSR)

  3. Amalendu Sharma and Vinit Kumar
    Studies on beam injection scheme for a 1 GeV proton Accumulator Ring

  4. Pradeep Kumar Goyal, Amalendu Sharma and Vinit Kumar
    Analytical and Simulation studies on the effect of electron cloud in a 1 GeV proton Accumulator Ring

  1. Jana Arup Ratan and Kumar Vinit
    Beam optics studies and lattice design of the 1 GeV H˗ injector Linac for ISNS

  2. Pal Mukesh Kumar, Gaur Rahul and Kumar Vinit
    Failure analysis of lattice components and local compensation studies for single spoke resonators section of ISNS

  3. Jana P. K. and Kumar V.
    Electromagnetic design study of power coupler for prebuncher cavity of electron Linac

  4. Jana P. K. and Kulkarni Nita S
    Electromagnetic design study of power coupler for buncher cavities of MEBT

  1. Ghodke A. D., Fakhri A. A., Kumar P., Sharma A., Husain R., Abdurrahim, Jena S. K., Kant P., Tyagi D. K., Kumar V., Arora P., Dhingra R.
    Preliminary beam dynamical considerations for high brilliance synchrotron radiation source (HBSRS)

  2. Patidar Chirag Bhai and Sharma Amalendu
    Lattice design of ISNS High Energy Beam Transport (HEBT) line

  3. Pal Mukesh Kumar, Gaur Rahul and Kumar Vinit
    Error analysis and orbit correction studies for SSR0 section of ISNS

  4. Dhingra R., Arora P. and Kumar Vinit
    Studies on RF power to beam power conversion efficiency of constant impedance and constant gradient travelling wave structures

  5. Arora Parul, Dhingra Rinky, Jana P. K., Kulkarni Nita S. and Kumar vinit
    Electromagnetic design and beam dynamics studies with modified buncher section of 10 mev, 6 kw electron linac for industrial applications

  6. Gaur Rahul and Kumar Vinit
    Tuning strategy for a 3 MeV, 325 MHz radio frequency quadrupole accelerator

  1. Ram Prakash, Jana A. R. and Kumar Vinit
    Multipacting Study of βg = 0.61 and βg = 0.9 Elliptic SRF Cavity

  2. Patidar Chirag Bhai and Sharma Amalendu
    Skew gradient error correction of the Hybrid lattice for ISNS Accumulator Ring

  3. Patidar Chirag Bhai and Sharma Amalendu
    Skew gradient error correction of the FODO lattice for ISNS Accumulator Ring

  4. Patidar Chirag Bhai and Sharma Amalendu
    Gradient error correction of the Hybrid lattice for ISNS Accumulator Ring

  5. Patidar Chirag Bhai and Sharma Amalendu
    Gradient error correction of the FODO lattice for ISNS Accumulator Ring

  6. Patidar Chirag Bhai and Sharma Amalendu
    Closed Orbit Analysis of the Hybrid Lattice for ISNS Accumulator Ring

  7. Jana P. K. and Kumar V.
    Electromagnetic design study of power coupler for Spoke Resonators

  1. Jana P. K. and Kumar Vinit
    Electromagnetic design study of fundamental rf power coupler For βg = 0.9 scrf cavity

  2. Patidar Chirag Bhai and Kumar Vinit
    Beam Transport Calculations for the H- Low Energy Beam Transport Line

  3. Ram Prakash, Jana A. R. and Kumar Vinit
    Electromagnetic Design of βg = 0.81 650 MHz Superconducting Radio frequency Cavity

  4. Dhingra R., Kulkarni N. and Kumar Vinit
    Lattice design of Medium Energy Beam Transport Line for Indian Spallation Neutron Source

  5. Pal Mukesh Kumar, Gaur Rahul and Kumar Vinit
    Electromagnetic design and higher order mode studies of 325 mhz superconducting single spoke resonators

  6. Jana P. K. and Kumar Vinit
    Electromagnetic design study of power coupler for RFQ

  7. Jana P. K. and Kumar Vinit
    Electromagnetic design study of a collinear load for 10 MeV, 6 kW travelling wave electron

  8. Kulkarni Nita S. and Kumar Vinit
    Beam dynamics studies of a 10 MeV, 6 kW travelling wave electron linear accelerator

  9. Jana Arup Ratan, Pal Mukesh kumar, Gaur Rahul and Kumar Vinit
    Beam Dynamics Studies for 1 GeV ISNS LINAC

  10. Pal Mukesh Kumar, Gaur Rahul and Kumar Vinit
    Multipacting studies of 325 MHz superconducting single spoke resonators

  11. Patidar Chirag Bhai, Kulkarni Nita S. and Kumar Vinit
    Beam Transport Calculations for the Low Energy Beam Transport Line for a 10 MeV Linac

  1. Patidar Chirag Bhai and Sharma Amalendu
    Closed Orbit Analysis of the FODO Lattice for ISNS Accumulator Ring

  2. Gaur Rahul and Kumar Vinit
    Beam dynamics and electromagnetic design studies of a 325 MHz RFQ

  3. Dhingra R., Kulkarni N. and Kumar Vinit
    Electromagnetic design studies for an on-axis coupled standing wave electron linac

  4. Kulkarni Nita S. and Kumar Vinit
    Electromagnetic design of 10 mev, 6 kw electron linear accelerator for industrial applications

  5. Sharma Amalendu, Goyal P. K., Kumar Vinit and Ghodke A. D.
    Preliminary lattice design of Accumulator Ring for Indian Spallation Neutron Source

  6. Kumar V., Sharma A. and Roy S. B.
    Accelerator Physics Studies for Indian Spallation Neutron Source and Electron Linacs
    Indian Nuclear Society News, 10 (3 & 4), 60

    Jana A. R., Kumar V., Kulkarni Nita S.
    Electromagnetic design of a tapered waveguide based RF power coupler for the 5 MeV, 3 kW travelling wave linear accelerator

  1. Jana P. K.
    Design of RF coupler for 5 MeV, 3 kW traveling wave lina
  2. Jana A. R., Kumar V., Kumar A., Gaur R.
    Electromagnetic design of βg = 0.9, 650 MHz superconducting radio frequency cavity for Indian Spallation Neutron Source

  1. Sharma Amalendu, Vats Deepak Kumar, Ghodke A. D. and Singh Gurnam
    Application software MEI (MAD Extended Interface) and its use in nonlinear beam dynamics studies of Indus-2

  1. Jana P.K., Shrivastava Purushottam and Singh P.
    Design of 40MeV to 100MeV seperated function drift tube Linac

  2. Kulkarni Nita, Shrivastava Purushottam and Singh, P.
    Error analysis of the 353.21 MHz 10 MeV drift tube Linac

  3. Patidar Chirag Bhai and Shrivastava Purushottam
    Preliminary Physics Design of a 35mA, 50 keV LEBT for 3 MeV H- Front-end Linac

  1. Kumar Goyal Pradeep, Sharma Amalendu, Ghodke A. D. and Singh Gurnam
    Linear field and alignment tolerance analysis for the prototype development of 1 GeV Proton Synchrotron

  2. Jana P.K. and Shrivastava Purushottam
    3D electromagnetic simulation study of RF cavity of 20Mev injector microtroninjector microtron

  3. Gaur Rahul, Jana. P. K. and Shrivastava P.
    RF cavity design of 352.2 MHz, 3 MeV RFQ

  4. Gaur Rahul and Shrivastava P.
    Error analysis on a 352.2 MHz, 3 MeV RFQ

  5. Gaur Rahul, Jana. P. K. and Shrivastava P.
    Beam dynamics design and analysis of 3 MeV RFQ operating at 352.2 MHz

  6. Jana P.K., Kulkarni Nita S. and Shrivastava
    Design of coupler for 10MeV electron LINAC

  7. Sharma Amalendu, Ghodke A. D., Singh Gurnam and Abdurrahim
    Optics design for Transfer Line -2 for CTF3
    CTF Note-091, May 2018, CERN

  1. Sharma Amalendu, Rahim A., Ghodke A.D. and Singh Gurnam
    Design of optics and beam transport in Transfer Line – 2 of CLIC Testing Facility – 3 at CERN

  2. Sharma Amalendu, Rahim A., Ghodke A.D. and Singh Gurnam
    Preliminary beam optics design of Transfer Line – 2 for CLIC Testing Facility – 3 of CERN

  1. Saini R. S., Fakhri A. A., Ghodke A. D., Husain Ritasat, Jena S., Kant Pradeep, Kumar Pradeep, Prajapati S. K., Rahim A., Sharma A.,
    Singh Gurnam and Vats Deepak Commissioning of beam transfer line-3

  2. Sharma Amalendu, Ghodke A. D. and Singh G.
    Working point selection based on nonlinear studies of Indus-2

  1. Sharma Amalendu, Ghodke A. D. and Singh G.
    Relaxed optics studies for commissioning of Indus-2

  1. Kumar V.
    Free-electron generators of radiation
    Kiran-A bulletin of Indian Laser Association, 13 (3), 8

  2. Krishnagopal S. and Kumar V.
    Free-electron lasers: Light for the future!
    Kiran-A bulletin of Indian Laser Association, 13 (3), 12

  3. Sharma Amalendu, Sahoo G. K. and Singh G.
    Tune shift due to dielectric vacuum chamber in rapid cycling proton synchrotron

  1. Pande S.A., Rashinkar Nita and Hannurkar, P.R.
    Design of a 20 MeV drift tube linac (Tank-I 0.75-10.76 MeV)

  2. Pande S.A., Prasad M, Rashinkar Nita and Hannurkar, P.R.
    Higher order mode measurements on INDUS-1 RF cavity

  1. Kumar V.
    An efficient buncher using an FEL undulator

  1. Kumar V. and Krishnagopal S.
    Design study of a far-infrared free-electron laser

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