Dear Friends,
It is my pleasure to invite you to participate in APAC2007 (Asian
Particle Accelerator Conference – 2007) to be held at Raja
Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT) from January 29
to February 2, 2007. RRCAT is the biggest accelerator centre of
India and a home to two synchrotron radiation sources Indus-1,
a 450 MeV ring and Indus-2, a 2.5 GeV ring, and a few smaller
accelerators for other applications.
As you may know, the Asian Particle Accelerator Conference series
started 8 year ago when APAC-98 was hosted by KEK in Tsukuba,
Japan under the auspices of Asian Committee for Future Accelerator
(ACFA). Since then every third year the conference has been arranged
regularly. In 2001 the conference was hosted by IHEP at Beijing,
China and in 2004 by PAL and POSTECH at Gyeongju, Korea. India
would be hosting this Conference for the first time in 2007. APAC2007
is being organized by RRCAT in collaboration with Asian Committee
for Future Accelerator (ACFA), Board of Research in Nuclear Science
(BRNS), Accelerator Institutes of Department of Atomic Energy,
India (DAE) and Department of Science and Technology, India (DST).
APAC series has been providing an opportunity to a large number
of accelerator scientists and engineers to discuss latest developments
and also exchange O & M experience in the field of particle
Based on the advice of the International Organizing Committee
of APAC2007, the Conference would adopt a structure similar to
PAC & EPAC. First and last days will be kept for plenary sessions
and parallel sessions would be arranged on remaining days. We
also plan to have an industrial exhibition, displaying a variety
of products from India and abroad for different applications in
accelerator areas.
By way of geographical information, let me add that Indore is
situated in the State of Madhya Pradesh in Central India. Indore
is ~200 km from State Capital Bhopal and 1 hour flight from Mumbai
and is 1.5 hours flight from New Delhi. Weather in Indore is very
pleasant during January – February with day time temperatures
~ 25 deg C and night time temperatures of ~ 10 – 15 deg
C. There are several tourist attractions around Indore, which
you can enjoy and also discover Central India.
I will look forward to seeing you in Indore.
With best regards,
Vinod Chandra Sahni
Chair, APAC 2007