RRCAT Newsletter - Issue 1 of 2014

  From the Director's Desk
  From the Editor's Desk

 Accelerator Programme:
A.1: Indus-2 synchrotron radiation source successfully operates at 175mA beam current at 2.5 GeV
A.2: Performance characterization of first 650 MHz single-cell SCRF cavity
A.3: Indus-1 RF control system enhancements
A.4: Control system for remote operation of diagnostics beamlines of Indus-2
A.5: Distributed ambient temperature monitoring system for Indus-2 tunnel
A.6: Indigenous development of solid state pulse modulators and related pulsed technologies For 3MeV H- RFQ at RRCAT
A.7: Band offset at ZnO/GaP hetero-junction determined using synchrotron based photoemission spectroscopy
A.8: Development of 5T pulse magnetizer for magnetization of Nd-Fe-B magnet
A.9: Two-quadrant power supply for atom cooling experiment
A.10: Use of rain water as coolant for components of Indus accelerators

 Laser Programme:
L.1: High-quality stable electron beams from laser wake-field acceleration in high density plasma
L.2: Development of 215 W of all-fiber single transverse mode Yb-doped CW fiber laser
L.3: Power amplification of mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser
L.4: A new design of single tiled grating laser pulse compressor
L.5: Development of fiber-tethered sensors for use in radiation environments
L.6: Development of photon counting version of Uranium analyzer for trace measurement of Uranium in potable water
L.7: Wavelet based Distributed Temperature Sensor with Improved Performance
L.8: Study of various compositions of SS-Ni and Ti-Ni for functionally graded joint
L.9: A novel high precision technique for pin-hole alignment of a spatial filter
L.10: Flash-lamp monitoring system for table top terawatt laser

I.1: Scientific Computing and Software Development at RRCAT
I.2: Development of Information Management Systems at RRCAT
I.3: Developments in Networking and Communication at RRCAT
I.4: Construction and Services

 Theme Articles:

T.1: Successful development of a novel technique for SCRF cavity fabrication for particle accelerators
T.2: Feature based Design and Manufacturing Technology using Laser Rapid Manufacturing
T.3: Magnetostructural transition and multi-functional properties in ferromagnetic shape memory alloys

 Publications:Publication from RRCAT during July 2013 - Dec 2013


N.1: Graduation Function of 13th Batch of BARC Training School, RRCAT
N.2: Interaction meeting on the use of photoelectron spectroscopy
N.3: Interaction meeting on X-ray lithography and microfabrication
N.4: One Day Interaction Meeting on Engineering Applications of Beamline on Indus-2
N.5: Indus Interaction meeting titled "Indus beamlines: their development and utilization"
N.6:One day Conference on Non-equilibrium Superconductivity & Magnetism
N.7:DAE (Excellence in Science, Engineering & Technology) Awards 2012
N.8:RRCAT bags two Best Poster Awards during Plasma-2013
N.9:RRCAT scientists get "Best Thesis Awards" of the Indian Society for Particle Accelerators (ISPA)
N.10:Best Poster Award in Cheiron School and Workshop 2013
N.11:RRCAT family wishes happy and healthy life on superannuation
N.12: आरआरकेट में माह जुलाई, २०१३ से दिसंबर २०१३ तक की अवधि के दौरान हिन्दी के प्रचार-प्रसार से संबंधित बिभिन्न गतिविधियां


RRCAT Newsletter - Issue 1 of 2014

Chief Editor:
  • Dr. Shovan K. Majumder

Editorial Board:
  • Dr. Vinit Kumar
  • Dr. Tapas Ganguli
  • Dr. Christ P. Paul
  • Sh. Shailendra S. Tomar
  • Sh. J. K. Pattnaik
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