Research Scholars
Accommodation for research scholars has been arranged in IITM
hostels on single sharing basis as per following details:
Research Scholars (male):
Mahanadhi Hostel
List of candidates
Phone Nos.
Research Scholars (female): Sarayu
List of candidates
Phone Nos.
Participants (research scholars) are requested to reach their
respective hostels and report to the reception for room allotment.
The cost of accommodation is Rs. 150/- per head per night stay
which includes necessary beddings and breakfast.
Note: Participants, who do not find their name in the list
should reach to Mahanadhi hostel for assistance.
Invited Speakers
Accommodation for invited speakers has been arranged on single
and/or twin
sharing basis in AC suits and rooms of
Taramani Guest House in IIT Madras campus.
Taramani Guest House
List-I (IRTs )
List-II (ITs and others)
Phone No.
The cost of accommodation (if not waived by organizing
committee) is Rs. 500/- per room per night, which includes
breakfast. If you have some preferences or
wish to book family accommodation in your name please do write to us on
following email
Emergency Contact Numbers:
Maneesh Chandran: 09444185850
V. Sankaranarayanan: 09444379863
M S Ramachandra Rao: 09840130730
We look forward to see you at IIT Madras, Chennai.
Organized By |
Indore |
IIT Madras |