Awards and Honours



Awarded by



Best Oral Presentation for:

"Pyroelectric response of LiTaO3 single crystals based laser energy sensor"

22nd National Seminar on Crystal Growth and Applications (XXII NSCGA-2018),
Department of Physics, Sacred Heart College, Vellore, Tamilnadu.

Vikash Kumar, Indranil Bhaumik, R. Bhatt, B.K. Sajith, M. Soharab, A. Saxena, A.K. Karnal


Best crystal/device display award for:

"Frequency convertors fabricated from type-I and type-II SHG oriented KDP crystals grown using natural morphology point seeds and flat-top growth technique"

20th National Seminar on Crystal Growth and Applications (NSCGA 2016),
BARC, Mumbai

S. K. Sharma, Sunil Verma, Yeshpal Singh, K. S. Bartwal, P. K. Gupta


Best Poster Award for:

"Growth and Investigation of Nd doped GdVO4 Single Crystals Grown by OFZ Technique"

61st DAE-Solid State Physics Symposium,
BARC, Mumbai

M. Soharab, Indranil Bhaumik, R. Bhatt, A. Saxena, A. K. Karnal, P. K. Gupta


Best oral paper presentation for:

"Phase Transition behaviour of 0.91PZN-0.09PT single crystal using PLM"

International symposium for research scholars,
Dept. of Matallurgy & Material Science, IIT Madras, Chennai

Gurvinderjit Singh


Best Poster Award for:

"Growth of large size KDP crystal by platform technique,
Its characterization and Device Fabrication."

33rd National Seminar on Crystallography held at NCL Pune

S. K. Sharma, Pragya Pandit, Y. Singh, V. Wadhawan


Best oral paper presentation for:

"Dielectric relaxation in PMN-PZ"

11th National seminar on Ferroelectric and Dielctric,
University of Jammu, Jammu

Gurvinderjit Singh, V. S. Tiwari, V. K. Wadhavan

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