About PLD-2011



Invited Speakers

Important Dates


Abstract Submission






About MRC, IISc


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Guidelines for Registration:

Submission of an abstract does not constitute registration for the conference. Authors are required to register for the conference. Participants can register for the conference by sending their request in the enclosed format (Registration form) through email attachment to secretary, Organizing committee at the following address: pld2011@rrcat.gov.in.  Dead Line for the  registration is Oct 25, 2011. Alternatively they can also get registered at the time and venue of the conference. However in that case the prior intimation about the participation and accommodation in the said format is mandatory.


Registration Fee:

    1.   Students                                                      Rs. 600/-

    2.   Delegates from Universities/ Educational

       Institutes / Govt. organizations                      Rs. 1500/-

    3.   Delegates from Public Sector

       Undertakings / Industries                               Rs. 5000/-


Registration Fee covers admission to all conference sessions, a conference program & abstracts booklet, lab. visits, welcome party, coffee breaks, lunches, dinners, poster refreshments and basic social program.


Registration fees, if not waived by the organizing committee, should be paid in cash or through demand draft (DD) at the conference site before collecting the conference kit containing conference proceedings and programs etc. The DD should be drawn in favor of PLD-2011 and should be payable at Bengaluru. The registration fee can also be paid in advance by sending the DD along with the registration form to secretary, PLD-2011 by post latest by November 01, 2011 at the following address. 



Financial Assistance:

 Students may apply for financial assistance to participate in the PLD-2011 symposium if they are unable to get the same from their own institute. Financial support will be available to only those students who will be making at lest one presentation (paper or thesis) at the symposium. The financial assistance may include the return train fare in sleeper class and/or local hospitality . Please send your application for the financial support with a passport size photograph affixed on it along with an estimate of the rail fair by shortest route and a letter of recommendation from the head of your department / research advisor clearly stating that you are not able to obtain any financial support from the institution for attending the symposium. Please send this application to the secretary, PLD2011 at the following email address: latest by October 10, 2011. Alternatively the application may also be sent by post at following address


Dr. Pankaj Misra

Secretary, PLD-2011
R & D Block-A
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology
Indore-452 013 (M.P.)



Organized jointly by

RRCAT, Indore

MRC, IISc Bengaluru

© Copyright PLD 2011, All rights reserved.